COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Advisory – Updated 05.06.2020

Dear Member

As per today’s Government Announcement, Ireland will move into phase 2 of the Roadmap next week.

The new measures come into place on Monday the 8th of June.  We remain in Phase 1 until then.

Sport Ireland will begin to roll out its Covid 19 related training initiatives and supports to the sector from next week onwards. Further details on the various supports will be provided in due course.

Key Measures for Phase 2

The key measures in relation to sport & physical activity are outlined below.

Stay Local:

You may travel within your own county, and up to 20 kilometres from your home if crossing county boundaries.

Meeting other people:

You may meet up to 6 people from outside your household both indoors and outdoors for social gatherings.


Walk or cycle if you can.


Groups of up to 15, including trainers and coaches, may return to non-contact outdoor training activity (but not matches) while maintaining social distancing at all times.

High Performance:

A number of high performance athletes and professional athletes will be allowed to resume training at agreed locations around the country. More details on the return of high performance can be found here:

Phase 2 Sport and Physical Activity